CST BLOG: Lab Expectations

The official blog of Cell Signaling Technology (CST), where we discuss what to expect from your time at the bench, share tips, tricks, and information.

Lab Expectations listing page

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Florian Gnad, PhD

Florian Gnad, PhD

Florian was the Senior Director of Bioinformatics and Data Science at Cell Signaling Technology. The department is responsible for translating data into biological insight and biological insights into actionable business intelligence. The ultimate goal is to integrate artificial intelligence, data science, and software development to enhance translational research and support personalized medicine.

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Studying Post-translationally Modified Sites and Disease Variants with PhosphoSitePlus®

Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are employed in the cell to alter protein function, and typi...
Florian Gnad, PhD Feb 13, 2019

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