Lab Expectations | CST Blog

Coming to Lab Expectations in 2020

Written by Chris Sumner | Jan 1, 2020

            The start of a new year is always a crazy time. There’s plenty to look back on and celebrate, things to anticipate, and of course there are opportunities for improvement. What do we look forward to in 2020? We’re about to celebrate our 5th blog anniversary! It’s hard to believe that Lab Expectations is five years old.

            This year we’ll be talking a lot about immunology and cell process. We’re going to dig deeper into what expert validation means and how it is achieved. The video team is already busy producing more how-to videos to help fight through troublesome technical issues. We’ll learn more about the brilliant minds behind our antibodies. We’ll share more tips on sustainable living and community giving. And as always, we’ll share our latest resources to help you achieve experimental success.

            Around here, we talk a lot about continuous improvement. Hopefully this year will be the best yet for Lab Expectations and your lab too. Remember to share and comment on your favorite articles. And if you’ve got a great idea for a blog topic, let us know what you’d like to see!

-Cell Signaling Technology